torsdag 13 augusti 2009

Nätbaserad utbildning skapar bättre förutsättningar

En mycket intressant rapport om nätbaserad utbildning från U.S. Department of Education visar i Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practises in Online Learning, bl.a följande:

The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction. The difference between student outcomes for online and face-to-face classes—measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation—was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face. Analysts noted that these blended conditions often included additional learning time and instructional elements not received by students in control conditions. This finding suggests that the positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se.